Thursday, October 21, 2010

Project #1 : Baseball Curses

I realize there is no such thing as a curse. Especially in the sports context. It is laughable to think that a current player even knows or cares of some obscure event that occurred to his team decades ago. Does anyone think Manny Ramirez cared at all about Babe Ruth when he was slugging the Red Sox to the World Series title in 2004? Of course not. Manny doesn't care about anything. But that doesn't mean that curses aren't fun. Because they are. And every team in Major League Baseball except one currently has one hanging over their collective heads.

In my first little writing project, I am going to look at the current curses afflicting 29 MLB teams. Some are better than others. Not all teams can point to a day in 1945 when a farm animal was ejected from the stadium has the harbinger of their present doom. Others must look to the release of a popular player, relocation of the team or some other serious affront to the baseball gods to see why their team is now cursed. The stats, generously provided by, do not lie.

Thus, to paraphrase the great Eli Cash, 'well, everyone knows that curses don't exist but what this site presupposes is...maybe they are?'

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